Module ServoModule.c Description This is a module for staging all the servo commands for ME218B Project Team 3. Notes Private definitions TrashChuteClosedDuty TrashChuteOpenDuty RecycleChuteClosedDuty RecycleChuteOpenDuty RecycleSortDuty SortResetDuty TrashSortDuty USADuty FlagResetDuty MexicoDuty ServoFreq void SetupAllServoFrequencies(void) //Enable PWM lines for all four servos //Set all servo frequencies to same ServoFreq (50Hz) void SetServoStartingPositions(void) // start the sort servo in neutral state // keep the recyling and trash chutes closed // send flag to neutral position void CloseTrashChute(void) //SG90 Servo //Set PWM duty to close trash chute void OpenTrashChute(void) //SG90 Servo //Set PWM duty to open trash chute void OpenRecycleChute(void) //SG90 Servo //Set PWM duty to open recycle chute void CloseRecycleChute(void) //SG90 Servo //Set PWM duty to close recycle chute void SortTrash(void) //HK15131 //Set PWM duty to move sorter to trash bin void SortRecycle(void) //HK15131 //Set PWM duty to move sorter to recycle bin void ResetSorter(void) //HK15131 //Set PWM duty to move sorter to neutral position void RaiseMexcio(void) //SG90 Servo //Set PWM duty to raise Mexican Flag void RaiseUSA(void) //SG90 Servo //Set PWM duty to raise American Flag void ResetFlags(void) //SG90 Servo //Set PWM duty to lower both flags