

   This is the first service for the Test Harness under the
   Gen2 Events and Services Framework.


 When           Who     What/Why
 -------------- ---     --------
 10/26/17 18:26 jec     moves definition of ALL_BITS to ES_Port.h
 10/19/17 21:28 jec     meaningless change to test updating
 10/19/17 18:42 jec     removed referennces to driverlib and programmed the
                        ports directly
 08/21/17 21:44 jec     modified LED blink routine to only modify bit 3 so that
                        I can test the new new framework debugging lines on PF1-2
 08/16/17 14:13 jec      corrected ONE_SEC constant to match Tiva tick rate
 11/02/13 17:21 jec      added exercise of the event deferral/recall module
 08/05/13 20:33 jec      converted to test harness service
 01/16/12 09:58 jec      began conversion from TemplateFSM.c
/*----------------------------- Include Files -----------------------------*/
// This module
#include "ColorDetection_EventChecker.h"

// Hardware
#include "inc/hw_memmap.h"
#include "inc/hw_types.h"
#include "inc/hw_gpio.h"
#include "inc/hw_sysctl.h"

// Event & Services Framework
#include "ES_Configure.h"
#include "ES_Framework.h"
#include "ES_DeferRecall.h"
#include "ES_ShortTimer.h"
#include "ES_Port.h"

//Other Stuff
#include "I2CService.h"
#include "BallSortingService.h"
#include "CompassService.h"

/*----------------------------- Module Defines ----------------------------*/
// these times assume a 1.000mS/tick timing
#define ONE_SEC 1000
#define HALF_SEC (ONE_SEC / 2)
#define TWO_SEC (ONE_SEC * 2)
#define FIVE_SEC (ONE_SEC * 5)

#define ENTER_POST ((MyPriority << 3) | 0)
#define ENTER_RUN ((MyPriority << 3) | 1)
#define ENTER_TIMEOUT ((MyPriority << 3) | 2)

//Define Servo positions

// #define ALL_BITS (0xff<<2)   Moved to ES_Port.h
/*---------------------------- Module Functions ---------------------------*/
/* prototypes for private functions for this service.They should be functions
   relevant to the behavior of this service

static uint8_t CategorizeColor(uint16_t Clr_Value, uint16_t Red_Value, uint16_t Blu_Value, uint16_t Grn_Value);
/*---------------------------- Module Variables ---------------------------*/
// with the introduction of Gen2, we need a module level Priority variable
// add a deferral queue for up to 3 pending deferrals +1 to allow for ovehead

//Define color
static uint8_t  CurrentColor = 0;
static uint16_t LastColor = 0;
static bool     NewBall = false;
static uint16_t ColorCounter = 0;
static bool     LegalBall = true;



     bool, false if there is no ball detected, true if so

     Saves away the priority, and does any
     other required initialization for this service

     Pablo Martinez Alanis, 01/16/12, 10:00
bool CheckNewBall(void)
  ES_Event_t  ThisEvent;
  bool        ReturnVal = false;
  uint8_t     CompassColor;
  uint16_t    ClearValue;
  uint16_t    RedValue;
  uint16_t    BluValue;
  uint16_t    GrnValue;

//  printf("Event Checker");
//Reading current color value from Compass Service

  //Read I2C Clear value
  ClearValue = I2C_GetClearValue();
  RedValue = I2C_GetRedValue();
  BluValue = I2C_GetBlueValue();
  GrnValue = I2C_GetGreenValue();
  //obtain color from private module function
  CurrentColor = CategorizeColor(ClearValue, RedValue, BluValue, GrnValue);
  //printf("C:%d R:%d, B:%d, G:%d\n\r",ClearValue,RedValue,BluValue,GrnValue);
  if ((ClearValue > 4500) && (CurrentColor < 7) && (LegalBall == true))
    if (ColorCounter == 100)
			//Obtain value of Accepted Compass Color
      //Check if it is the assigned color or a blue ball
      if ((CurrentColor == CompassColor) || (CurrentColor == 4))
        //Recycling ball recieved, send event to Ball Sorting Service
        ThisEvent.EventType = BALL_AT_COLOR_SENSOR;
        ThisEvent.EventParam = 1;
      { //Landfill ball recieved, send event to Ball Sorting Service
        ThisEvent.EventType = BALL_AT_COLOR_SENSOR;
        ThisEvent.EventParam = 0;
      LegalBall = false;
      ReturnVal = true;
  else if (ClearValue < 2000)
    ColorCounter = 0;
    LegalBall = true;
  return ReturnVal;

 private functions

static uint8_t CategorizeColor(uint16_t Clr_Value, uint16_t Red_Value, uint16_t Blu_Value, uint16_t Grn_Value)
  //Variable to return color
  uint8_t   BallColor;
  //Obtain percentages of values
  uint16_t  Red_Per = Red_Value * 100 / Clr_Value;
  uint16_t  Grn_Per = Grn_Value * 100 / Clr_Value;
  uint16_t  Blu_Per = Blu_Value * 100 / Clr_Value;
  //printf("C: %d,R: %d, B: %d, G: %d\n\r",Clr_Value,Red_Value,Blu_Value,Grn_Value);
  //printf("R: %d, B: %d, G: %d\n\r",Red_Per,Blu_Per,Grn_Per);
  //Check individual tresholds for each color from percentages
  if ((Red_Per > 65) && (Red_Per < 71) && (Blu_Per > 12) && (Blu_Per < 18) && (Grn_Per > 13) && (Grn_Per < 19))
    //Red ball detected
    BallColor = 0;
  else if ((Red_Per > 59) && (Red_Per < 65) && (Blu_Per > 10) && (Blu_Per < 16) && (Grn_Per > 18) && (Grn_Per < 24))
    //Orange ball detected
    BallColor = 1;
  else if ((Red_Per > 40) && (Red_Per < 52) && (Blu_Per > 10) && (Blu_Per < 16) && (Grn_Per > 30) && (Grn_Per < 40))
    //Yellow ball detected
    BallColor = 2;
  else if ((Red_Per > 30) && (Red_Per < 36) && (Blu_Per > 14) && (Blu_Per < 20) && (Grn_Per > 40) && (Grn_Per < 46))
    //Green ball detected
    BallColor = 3;
  else if ((Red_Per > 8) && (Red_Per < 16) && (Blu_Per > 45) && (Blu_Per < 58) && (Grn_Per > 29) && (Grn_Per < 35))
    //Blue ball detected
    BallColor = 4;
  else if ((Red_Per > 52) && (Red_Per < 58) && (Blu_Per > 21) && (Blu_Per < 27) && (Grn_Per > 17) && (Grn_Per < 23))
    //Pink ball detected
    BallColor = 5;
    //No correct color detected, return trash byte
    BallColor = 8;
  return BallColor;

/*------------------------------- Footnotes -------------------------------*/
/*------------------------------ End of file ------------------------------*/